DataTable in Angular Way
Hi friends, In this post I want to show you how to use Data table with AngularJS.<link href="bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" /> Download <link href="font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet" /> Download <link href="datatable.css" rel="stylesheet" /> Download <script src="jquery.min.js"></script> Download <script src="angular.min.js"></script> Download <script src="bootstrap.min.js"></script> Download <script src="datatable.js"></script> Download <script src="app.js"></script>
<html> <head> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" /> <title>Index</title> <link href="bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="datatable.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script src="jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="angular.min.js"></script> <script src="bootstrap.min.js"></script> <script src="datatable.js"></script> <script src="app.js"></script> </head> <body ng-app="ngAppDemo"> <div class="container-fluid" style="margin-left:15%;margin-right:15%;"> <div class="row"> <h1 align=center>Data Table With Angular JS</h1><br> <div ng-controller="ngAppDemoController"> <div class="col-md-12 col-lg-12" ultimate-datatable="datatable"></div> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>
angular.module('ngAppDemo', ['DataTableServices']).controller('ngAppDemoController', ['$scope', 'datatable', function ($scope, datatable) { //Simple example of configuration var datatableConfig = { "name": "simple_datatable", "columns": [ { "header": "Name", "property": "Name", "order": true, "type": "text", // "text"/"number"/"month"/"week"/"time"/"datetime"/"range"/"color"/"mail"/"tel"/"date" "edit": true, "position": 0, //"convertValue": { // "active": true, // True if the value have to be converted when displayed to the user // "displayMeasureValue": "366", // The unit display to the user, mandatory if active=true // "saveMeasureValue": "766" // The unit in database, mandatory if active=true //}, "hide": false //"choiceInList": true // When the column is in edit mode, the edition is a list of choices or not //"listStyle": "select" // select / radio //"possibleValues": ["choice1", "choice2", "choice3"], //"format": "number" // "date" / "datetime" //"defaultValue" : "SSSSSSSSSS" //"url": "theUrlToGetTheData" }, { "header": "Salary", "property": "Salary", "order": true, "type": "text", "edit": true, "position": 1 }, { "header": "EmployeeID", "property": "EmployeeID", "order": true, "type": "text", "edit": true, "position": 2 } ], "colmunsUrl": "theUrl", "add": { "active": true, "showButton": true }, "save": { "active": true, "withoutEdit": true, // If you want to be able to safe without editing lines "keepEdit": false, // Keep in edit mode after save "showButton": true, // Show the save button in the toolbar "changeClass": true, // Change class to success or error on the lines "mode": 'local', // Save mode "url": "theUrl", // or function(value){return "url"} Required if mode is remote "batch": true, // for batch mode one url with all data "method": 'post', // or function(line){ return 'method'} The HTTP verb "value": function (value) { return value; }, // used to transform the value send to the server "callback": function (datatable, errorsNumber) { } // used to have a callback after save all elements. }, "edit": { "active": true, "columnMode": true, }, "remove": { "active": true, "mode": 'local', "withEdit": true, //Allow to remove a line in edition mode "showButton": true, //Show the remove button in the toolbar "url": "theUrl", // or function(value){return "url"}, "callback ": function (datatable, errorsNumber) { } //Callback after remove all element. }, "pagination": { "active": true, // Active or not "mode": 'local', // 'remote' or 'local',//remote will call the server to do the pagination things "numberPageListMax": 3, "numberRecordsPerPage": 10, // Number of item in a page "numberRecordsPerPageList": [{ number: 10, clazz: '' }, { number: 25, clazz: '' }] // The list of the possible option given to the user }, "compact": true, "mergeCells": { "active": true // Active or not }, "exportCSV": { active: true, // Active or not showButton: true, // Show the export button in the toolbar delimiter: ";" // Set the delimiter }, "showTotalNumberRecords": true, "order": { "mode": 'local', // 'remote' or 'local' "active": true, // Active or not "showButton": true, // Show the order button in the toolbar "by": "Name", // order by Column name "reverse": false, // reverse the order "callback": function (datatable, errorsNumber) { }, // used to have a callback after order all element. }, "show": { "active": true, "showButton": true, "add": function (line) { //open a new page or add new tab to show detail... } }, "hide": { "active": true, "showButton": true // Show the hide button in the toolbar }, "select": { "active": true, "showButton": true, // Show the select all button in the toolbar }, "filter": { active: true, highlight: true, columnMode: false, showButton: false //Show the filter and reset buttons if true }, "otherButtons": { "active": false, // Active or not "template": "ABC" // Html element }, "messages": { "active": false, // Active or not "errorClass": 'alert alert-danger', // Set the class when their is errors "successClass": 'alert alert-success', // Set the class when their is success "errorKey": { save: '', remove: 'datatable.msg.error.remove' }, // Set the error key to be i18n "successKey": { save: '', remove: 'datatable.msg.success.remove' }, //Set the success key to be i18n "text": "Hello", // Current text "clazz": "", // current class "transformKey": function (key, args) { } // the function that transform the key }, "group": { "active": true, // Active or not, group add group:boolean in each line of type group "callback": function (datatable) { }, // Call after the group function "by": "Name",// group by... "showButton": true, // Show the group button in the toolbar "after": true, // To position group line before or after lines "showOnlyGroups": true, // To display only group line in datatable "enableLineSelection": true // Authorized or not selection on group line }, "extraHeaders": { number: 0, // Number of extra headers list: {}, // If dynamic:false dynamic: false // If dynamic:true, the headers will be auto generated } }; //Simple exemple of data var datatableData = [ { "Name": "Surajit Ghosh", "Salary": 58000, "EmployeeID": 1008 }, { "Name": "Amit Bhunia", "Salary": 25000, "EmployeeID": 1005 }, { "Name": "Sourav Mondal", "Salary": 69333, "EmployeeID": 1006 }, { "Name": "Sayan Bose", "Salary": 10222, "EmployeeID": 1007 }, { "Name": "Nihar Shaw", "Salary": 89250, "EmployeeID": 1001 }, { "Name": "Sankar Parida", "Salary": 89556, "EmployeeID": 1003 }, { "Name": "Monaranjan Chatri", "Salary": 89556, "EmployeeID": 1002 }, { "Name": "Shantanu Nag", "Salary": 89556, "EmployeeID": 1004 }, { "Name": "Abhijit Bera", "Salary": 89556, "EmployeeID": 1009 }, { "Name": "Pankaj Das", "Salary": 89556, "EmployeeID": 1010 }, { "Name": "Minhaj Ali", "Salary": 89556, "EmployeeID": 1015 }, { "Name": "Arko Pramanik", "Salary": 89556, "EmployeeID": 1014 }, { "Name": "Rana Mondal", "Salary": 89556, "EmployeeID": 1013 }, { "Name": "Asis Bera", "Salary": 89556, "EmployeeID": 1012 }, { "Name": "Tarun Samai", "Salary": 89556, "EmployeeID": 1011 }, { "Name": "Biswajit Das", "Salary": 65000, "EmployeeID": 1016 }]; //Init the datatable with his configuration $scope.datatable = datatable(datatableConfig); //Set the data to the datatable $scope.datatable.setData(datatableData); }]);